Brass Fest at UBC
I am writing to invite you to the Second Annual Brassfest workshop held at the University of British Columbia on Sunday, February 5, from 9am-6pm in UBC’s Old Auditorium. A Continue Reading →
I am writing to invite you to the Second Annual Brassfest workshop held at the University of British Columbia on Sunday, February 5, from 9am-6pm in UBC’s Old Auditorium. A Continue Reading →
It was 1978. A first year music teacher in Langley BC was making his own way. An old story now in 2012 , but a story that deserves a retelling. Continue Reading →
This was published today on the Gaming Grant Review website.In July 2011, Premier Christy Clark asked Skip Triplett to conduct an independent review of the Province’s Community Gaming Grant system. More than Continue Reading →
By the principal consultants of WolfBrown with Joanna Woronkowicz Historically, sustaining an arts organization meant generating enough earned and contributed revenue to fund current operations. With so much continued change Continue Reading →
Coming up on its 13th year, Arts and Culture Week turns the spotlight on the vital contribution that arts and culture make in learning and in life. Music, films, media Continue Reading →
I’m standing on a podium, with an enameled wand cocked between my fingers and sweat dampening the small of my back. Ranks of young musicians eye me skeptically. They know Continue Reading →
In response to inquiries from the Straight , the B.C. government has confirmed that it will not be releasing the Community Gaming Grant Review within its self-imposed 60-day deadline. The Continue Reading →
When the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra’s School of Music opened its doors in the downtown core this summer, many thought it would rattle the music education cage in the metropolitan area. Continue Reading →