From Norman Lebrecht’ blog “Slipped Disk”, Rebuilding a nation’s culture one child at a time:
Cathy Graham, head of music at the British Council, was telling me the other day about her trip to Afghanistan to foster grass-roots efforts to restore music education, banned under the Taliban.
When she described the first music school in Kabul, I had an irresistible urge to share her story. Cathy has written the text below and taken the pictures. Since her visit, the British Council has been the target for a massive Taliban attack.
It felt like sitting in a particularly accessible Headmaster’s office in any lively school at the beginning of term. The door kept opening and a head would poke round with an essential piece of information or a question. Sometimes it was a parent, sometimes a teacher, sometimes a child. The atmosphere was buzzing and you never knew quite what to expect next. In many ways it was hard to believe I was sitting in Kabul in the first music school to open post-Taliban; in other ways it was impossible to forget.
Read the article on Norman Lebrecht’s Blog