Canadian performing arts organizations generate $2.70 in revenues for every dollar recieved from governments

  • Largest share of total revenues came from box office revenues (38% of total revenues), larger than total government or total private funding
  • Private sector revenues grew the fastest over the past ten years: increasing by 53%, double the growth rate of earned revenues (27%) and government revenues (25%).
  • Fundraising from individuals doubled in value between 1996-97 and 2006-07
  • Substantial shift in corporate funding from donations to sponsorships.
Finances of Performing Arts Organizations in Canada in 2006-07, the 24th report in the Statistical Insights on the Arts series from Hill Strategies Research, finds that performing arts organizations generate $2.70 in revenues for every dollar received from governments. The report also shows that fundraising revenues grew the most between 1996-97 and 2006-07.

Read the full report at

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